Hello . . . so glad you found us . . . welcome to Mariposa Blanca - A Community of Light.
We invoke the symbolism of Mariposas to represent metamorphosis and the manifestation of new beginnings. And we call on the power of El Color Blanco to bring solidarity, healing, and transformation.
In the midst of my grief and disbelief following the outcome of the election on November 5, 2024, I found that my friends, colleagues, and loved ones were hurting, too. I wanted to find a way to strengthen our connection to each other through something more than zoom and social media. Something tangible, real, that we can touch and hold, that can bring us comfort when we think of the people we care about, when we need to hold them in our hearts when we are apart. And the vision of a white butterfly came to mind . . . to bring healing to those we love and build a community of light.
And from that, I have a humble request . . . if you have a friend, colleague or family member that is hurting, present them with the gift of a white butterfly - in whatever form moves your heart - and ask them to do the same for those they love and those they encounter that are hurting, too. Share this site with them as we build and create a community of light to bring resources for healing and action.
For 107 days, we rode a wave of Joy . . . it was REAL Joy . . . Don't let anyone diminish what you know to be true - what you felt in your spirit - what you hoped for. We felt it, we shared it, and we can find a place to nurture what has been planted in our hearts. Together, we can strengthen our resolve to choose Joy, nurture Joy, and spread Joy through our collective actions - of which none are too small or insignificant.
We would love to hear from you . . . what does a Mariposa Blanca mean to you?
With love and light,